Cultivate Courage Tee – Inspired by Hallie Quinn Brown

I'm ready!! ADD TO CART

Our SLP x D9 Collection is now live!

Click Here to step into

Ever wanted to mix greekdom with SLP/SLPA? Let us make it happen! Contact us if your org isn't listed!

Welcome to the Cafe!! Have a cup on us!

Hey guys!! Welcome to Coffee & Communication!! I am so excited to have you here in the cafe!! I do not take it for granted or think its a coincidence that you are here! You are here for a purpose and I am honored to have you here! Sit back, relax and enjoy the Cafe!



Coffee Lovers!

Oh Snap! It's you!! Yes, we love featuring our Cofffee Lovers on the site!! Want to be feautred? Send us a picture in our DM or simply send us email! See you soon!